
Trace Mobile Number

Trace Mobile Number allows you to find out the location of the caller and shows various details like the sim operator, city, state, and country. It is the best app for finding the whereabouts of an incoming call from an unknown number. It doesn’t require any Internet connection and can be used offline from anywhere and anytime. You can use it to find full details of the caller, like their state and phone number area, within seconds.

It shows the address on the map and is updated with all the latest numbers. Another great feature is that it can be used to check the operator name and area of all your mobile contacts in no time at all. The app is fully customizable and lets everyone enable/disable the location of the caller during an incoming or outgoing call. Other notable highlights include ISD Codes of all countries, ZIP and PIN codes of prominent cities in India, and STD codes of Indian Cities.


Trace Mobile Number Alternatives

#1 Phone Number Tracker


Phone Number Tracker is an agile and nimble application that comes with the sumptuous support to find the location of the people with the help of a number. The application is the way to go for people with accurate GPS support, so you can see the exact location of the user from the map. You do not need to take a headache from the lengthy procedure, just put your number and fill the number, and the application will provide the most accurate findings automatically.

Now users have the leverage to use a feature of true Caller ID which means whenever someone is calling to your phone, you will see the ID and location of the caller. Moreover, the application provides you with the ability to block any call and make any call from the application, and it seems that you are using your normal phone dialer. There are multiple features for you that include a call log, transparent interface, advanced navigation and Mapping, caller identification, a complete list of the unknown number, access to phone contacts, and more to add.


#2 Mobile Number Tracker Live


Mobile Number Tracker Live is a great tool that allows you to track your current location and number and find your address. It is easy to use and gives you the opportunity to track all locations as well as the cell phone number of the caller without hassle. It includes a GPS MAP that shows your live location with text highlighting the area. You can run a search for numbers in multiple countries around the world, including Indonesia, the USA, Brazil, India, Mexico, and Russia.

The best feature of the app is that it displays many important details such as the country, state, city, and sim operator, along with the exact location on the map. Each search will be recorded and saved in recent searches, making it easy for you to view it anytime. The history also contains the geographic location of the tracked number. All-in-all it is a great solution for tracking landline, mobile or fixed numbers from all countries worldwide.

#3 Mobile Number Location GPS


Mobile Number Location GPS is a mobile application for Android-based devices that allows you to check the location of family members and friends and track your lost cell phone without the hassle. It is a top-rated tool that enables you to trace your landline, fixed, and mobile number from anywhere in the world. Currently, it supports 246 countries, giving everyone the opportunity to find their phone no matter its location.

It comes packed with many useful features, including a GPS tracking system, a Position locator, fast search, and more. The app displays several important details like movement, time, and distance to the location. It can be used to check the details of an unknown caller like SIM carrier, state, and more. The best feature is that you can use it to view details of all the numbers in your contact list and retrieve all the major details from an incoming or outgoing call on a single screen.


#4 Find Location-Phone Number Tracker


Find Location-Phone Number Tracker is a simple but powerful mobile application that lets you check the phone location of loved ones with a single tap. It is currently the most precise and up-to-date app on the Google Play Store and comes with many essential features that make it stand out from the rest. Parents can use it to find the phone location of their children or spouse/partner or even their own with the help of the built-in GPS technology.

The highlights include tracking the location of a lost smartphone, search the location of anyone without hassle, retrieve several crucial details simultaneously, fetch the location of the cell phone without making a call to the family member, and many more. The main advantage associated with the app is that it makes use of state-of-the-art GPS technology to find the details and shows them to you. Furthermore, it is highly secure and protects the data 24/7.

#5 Mobile Call Number Locator


Mobile Call Number Locator makes it easy for you to view the details of the caller, such as their location and state. It shows the STD codes as well as ISD codes of many prominent locations worldwide. You can use the app to check the details of an incoming call from an unknown number. It comes in handy in various scenarios like finding the location of your kids, loved ones or track lost cell phones. The app is developed using state-of-the-art technology and allows you to check location and carrier details with a single tap.

#6 Lost Phone Tracker


Lost Phone Tracker is the ultimate location tracking app that enables you to search for your lost cell phone and find its exact location on the map within minutes. It features a clean, intuitive, and easy-to-use user interface that gets you started tracking the phone in no time at all. You can use the app to keep track of loved ones and trace missing cell phones without hassle. The advantages associated with it include getting the current location of a stolen/lost phone, checking your own location using the built-in GPS tracker, use the included map to view locations and switch it to satellite mode anytime, share location data with anyone, and message to colleagues, friends, or family members using your Internet connection and without any charges.

#7 Caller ID & Number Locator


Caller ID & Number Locator is a handy mobile application developed to help you easily trace the location of the fixed-line phone or mobile number in many countries in the world. It supports over 12,000 cities and 246 countries, giving you the opportunity to search far and wide. It retrieves several crucial details regarding the phone or mobile, such as its geographic location, sim carrier, state, city, and country, and presents it on the map for you to see.

The app comes packed with many features, including a Phone number locator, True Caller ID, and Location, Call Blocker, Contacts and Call log, Search offline, and Worldwide ISD and STD codes. If your mobile lacks blacklist/block functionality, then use the app to put a stop to unwanted or bothersome calls like fraud, telemarketers, and more with a single tap. Another great feature given in the app is the search bar which works even without an Internet connection, making it easy to look up phone numbers, check the caller ID, and more 24/7. You can also find out the geographical information of all the contacts saved on the mobile phone without the hassle.

#8 Number Locator Book


Number Locator Book is an amazing mobile application developed to help you find the exact location of a mobile phone within a short period of time. It is easy to use, and after installing it, you can proceed to retrieve details of missing/lost phones with a single tap. It is useful for all kinds of people like parents who can use it to track the cell phone location of their children or any other person without much effort.

The app can quickly pinpoint the full location of many cities in various countries, including Pakistan, India, Canada, and the USA, and displays the retrieved information on the map. You can stop receiving calls from unwanted phone numbers by blocking them permanently. Another great feature is that you can find all there is to know about an incoming call, such as their location and sim carrier. Use the included Caller ID feature to identify the caller before picking up the call. What makes it stand out from the competition is that the built-in Caller Location Tracker continues to work even when there is no Internet Connection.

#9 Phone Number Lookup Free


Phone Number Lookup Free is a lightweight, feature-rich, and easy-to-use mobile application for android based devices that lets you find details about landline and mobile numbers and check the location of the caller. You only need to enter the phone number and click on search, after which it will take you to a menu with various options that you can click to view more such as Number Information, Current Location, Carrier Details, Device Information, Owner Details, and Attributes unavailable. It displays multiple details like Country Code, Country name, Carrier, Line Type, Code Region, Region, City, and Continent date.

#10 Phone Number Tracker and Number Locator Free


Phone Number Tracker and Number Locator Free is a valuable mobile application that can help you track the location of your lost cell phone or check the details of an unknown caller. It comes in handy in various situations, like when you drop a phone unknowingly or forget it someplace and need to get it back. Enter the number in the app, and it will display the location of the phone, which can then be shared with someone as well.

And if you would like to see the location of an unknown caller, then it can also be done by entering their country code followed by the mobile number in the app. The features include Number tracker and Locator, Phone Number Location Tracker, Caller name Announcer, Flash Alert on call, Restore deleted contacts, and more. The caller name Announcer functionality is quite special as it will show the name of the caller along with a flash alert each time they call.

You can recover contacts that were deleted by mistake via the Restore deleted contacts feature, which will bring back all the past numbers within minutes. Other notable features include a highly accurate Compass that pinpoints your exact direction, flash alert on incoming calls, emergency numbers for every country along with country codes, tracing the location of lost/missing cell phone, and checking the name of the caller each time they call.

#11 Check phone number location (by prefix)


Check phone number location (by prefix) is one of the best mobile applications for finding the location of a phone number. It is easy to use, and you only need to type in the phone number, tap on the localize button and view the whereabouts of the phone in no time at all. The app operates by using the phone prefix to retrieve and show the details of the registered country. You can use it in various situations, like when the identity of the caller is unknown or when you have lost your own cell phone, and many more.

#12 Mobile Number Tracker & Location Tracker


Mobile Number Tracker & Location Tracker is the ultimate mobile application built from scratch to help you figure out the location of an unknown caller and track any phone number from any country in the world. It comes with real-time GPS technology, which helps you in finding a lost phone. You no longer have to manually spend long hours tracing the location of your cell phone because the app can do that and much more win a few taps, saving a lot of time and energy.

It will show all the details of a phone number such as sim carrier, city, state, and country, along with the exact location on the map. It is especially useful for those who unexpectedly drop or forget their phones in visited locations and then are having a difficult time recalling the place. It allows you to search ISD and STD code without requiring an internet connection, making it fully usable when offline. The prominent features of the app include checking the location on Google Map, viewing the location of the caller, looking at important details of a mobile number like state, sim carrier, and city, and using Call location tracker functionality while offline.