

ActiveNav is a data privacy and governance software that helps companies to manage how data is used and allows users to control access to personal information in their accounts. It comes with a dashboard that displays what information is being collected from an account, so users can better understand their settings. It also offers a profile section, allowing users to view and control what information is shared with other accounts on the platform.

It is a comprehensive and flexible platform for the control of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data Protection and Management. It is one of the few PII/Data Privacy Management solutions to receive certification as an EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. It has solutions to help companies to keep their data secure, so they can easily build trust with customers, partners and employees. It is able to provide visibility across the active directory, rich analytics, etc. Overall it’s the perfect software to manage data.


ActiveNav Alternatives

#1 Data Insight


Data Insight is a platform for data analytics consulting that helps clients to discover new insights about their data and improve their business operations. It is like a firm that helps clients to make more accurate and impactful decisions. It also works as an industry leader in data analytics software for event-level and transactional data. It is a fully is free and easy-to-use tool that can transform any database into a relational database.

It is developed as a client-server application in Microsoft .NET Framework and allows users to query and present data in a multitude of formats. It features an intuitive graphical user interface that completely eliminates the need for writing SQL queries. It exposes an API that allows developers to create custom applications using the functionality of Data Insight. In short, it’s the best choice for a user who is looking for data analytics consulting software because it covers all features of data analytics and has an intuitive and user-friendly interface.


#2 Data Dynamics StorageX


Data Dynamics StorageX is an unstructured data management solution that you can use to protect your competitive advantage. It solves the problem of how to turn unstructured data into information. It provides an unstructured data management solution that delivers a centralized, scalable, and cost-effective approach to data protection. It has provided many options for organizations to collect, store and manage their unstructured data. It provides solutions for backup, management, search, and analysis. Its storage management solution can manage petabytes of unstructured data.

It has the ability to convert existing files into a searchable format and shrink down large data sets. It generated data in all forms, whether it’s an image, video, or audio recording. It has a powerful user interface with persistence. It enables in-file access to previous versions of documents and images, content metadata, and notes. It allows in-file workflow with approvals & external annotation and replaces email attachments and file servers with a DDSX file. Overall it’s the perfect data management software for unstructured data.

#3 SISA Radar


SISA Radar is a data discovery tool for both structured and unstructured data. It gives you a 360-degree view of any dataset, with visualizations and one-click connections to other datasets. It combines advanced data processing with the ability to transform and analyze structured and unstructured data. It gives users valuable insights about their company and processes that can increase their revenue and efficiency.

SISA Radar is a data discovery tool that helps business users to explore, analyze and visualize data without writing any code. It has some unique features that help analysts to find connections between different data sources and get answers faster, so they can spend more time on the creative aspects of their job. This tool makes it easy to find patterns and insights from large amounts of data. It can parse through unstructured data then help users to structure it. Overall it’s the perfect choice for users who are looking for an easy-to-use discovery tool for both structured and unstructured data.


#4 Bloomberg Vault


Bloomberg Vault is an integrated compliance and surveillance solution that enables users to continuously monitor their global portfolio and highlight suspicious activity. Its key features include continuous & targeted surveillance of any individual or organization, alerts for transactions that may indicate risk, and transcriptions of all audio recordings. It also allows for tailored, comprehensive reporting for easier compliance and regulatory reporting. It has the ability to monitor transactions in real-time from one source.

Bloomberg Vault gives users the important features you need to identify and combat market abuse, risk, and compliance issues. By integrating multiple surveillance sources, users can easily create alerts that monitor their dark pool trading activity and correlate two-way quotes. It is a cloud-based solution, and it is the only SaaS platform that enables you to continuously monitor your credit portfolios and ensures laws, rules, and regulations. It enables users to never miss an important event in the lives of their customers by creating a continuous surveillance program.

#5 Storage Optimizer


Storage Optimizer is a tool that helps actual decision-makers in making better decisions by harnessing automated, real-time metrics from the storage infrastructure. It presents a clear picture of storage utilization and potential. It provides automated reports about reduplicated and compressed data, as well as useful information about the end-to-end performance of the storage infrastructure. It allows companies to save money on storage infrastructure without reducing service level agreements. It enables organizations to make better decisions about storage infrastructure purchases, investments, and upgrades.

Companies can improve their utilization of storage resources by 30% or more with the help of this tool. It permits companies to rediscover storage resiliency after an outage or disaster. It enables companies to beware of what’s happening in their environment in real-time. It is a tool used to identify and consolidate duplicates, swap infrequently used documents for online versions, and organize files across a storage infrastructure. It is capable of being deployed as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution.

#6 Komprise Intelligent Data Management


Komprise Intelligent Data Management is an unstructured data management service. It helps you to discover and organize unstructured data information to drive your business forward through the power of intelligent search engines, machine learning, and big data analytics. It addresses the challenges faced by financial services organizations to increase operational efficiency and reduce risk by automatically extracting the structured data from trading and business documents, images, voice recordings and generating meaningful insights.

Komprise Intelligent Data Management is a video creation app that simplifies the creation of custom narratives from user-generated content. With the help of this service, brands can create interactive videos that increase brand awareness and better connect with their audience. In short, this tool can help you if you are struggling to keep up with the flood of unstructured data being generated by your business. It has an intuitive and user-friendly interface. In short, it is the best choice for businesses of all sizes to manage and organize their unstructured data.

#7 Spirion


Spirion is a data security and privacy software with collaboration capabilities. It is an affordable, easy-to-use, and effective data security and privacy software. It enables you to encrypt your personal hard drive. It helps you to keep your sensitive documents and data truly secure. Its encrypted hard drive can be stored on many devices, emailed to another user, or kept in the cloud. It provides all the features that an organization needs to protect, control, audit, and improve its data compliance program.

Spirion provides Security Governance and Risk Management with comprehensive reporting and alerting capabilities. It gives a comprehensive set of security controls, and privacy compliance features such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Audit Trails, Command Line Tool (CLT), Data Encryption, Full-featured Email Encryption, Mobile App Encryption, Role-based Segregation of Duty (RBSoD), Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs), Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access, and much more. In short, if you are searching for an easy-to-use security and privacy tool, then it’s the best choice for you.

#8 Egnyte Platform


Egnyte Platform is the most advanced security and compliance platform for enterprise content in the cloud. It helps you to store, share and protect your data. It delivers secure collaboration and strong business continuity with ongoing data protection, advanced data loss prevention, compliance controls, and much more. It has a document collaboration feature that includes advance auditing, permissions, and retention policies. It allows you to do a unified search across your files, email, documents, and social media.

Egnyte Platform integrates with existing web security solutions such as Cisco Umbrella, Symantec Web Gateway, F5 BIG-IP, Blue Coat ProxySG, and Fortinet. It provides security, compliance, and collaboration tools for businesses with a range of solutions for securing content in transit and, at rest, for managing records retention, automating workflows, and more. Overall it’s one of the best security and compliance platforms that are perfect for businesses of all sizes.

#9 Klassify Data Classification Suite


Klassify Data Classification Suite is a cloud-based platform that helps organizations to protect their data from cyber-attacks. This data classification technology is used by governments, healthcare providers, schools and businesses across the globe. In this web-based platform, organizations can discover, classify and protect their critical data from unauthorized access or exposure. It helps you to protect your business by discovering data within your network and classifying your data as “High Risk”, “Medium Risk”, or “Low Risk”.

It enables you to protect your business by implementing an automated data-classification process that can be done quickly and efficiently. It provides many benefits, such as it reduces the cost of cyber-attacks, protecting company confidential information, reducing time spent on manual labour, securing your company against competitors, and many more. Data classification is performed by its custom-built artificial intelligence engine that automatically identifies patterns in the way people use data and applies a risk score based on those patterns. It allows for highly accurate and efficient identification of sensitive information within an organization’s network. In short its the perfect software to prevent cyber attacks.

#10 ZL File Analysis and Management


ZL File Analysis & Management is a software that helps organizations to analyze and manage enterprise file sources such as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Document Management Systems (DMS) and Collaboration systems. It makes it easy for your company to gain a 360-degree view of your files. It provides analytics, visualization and reporting capabilities, which enable you to gain insights into your data. It offers you to easily find the patterns and trends in your files and identify the cause of problems.

ZL File Analysis and Management analyzes files, including unstructured documents, emails or PDFs, for metadata, such as authoring information or confidential data. It also offers a scalable solution that can handle an organization’s entire file collection, with the flexibility to support large numbers of users. Its cloud-based architecture ensures quick deployment and a low total cost of ownership. It provides plug-ins for leading email servers and document management platforms.

#11 BeyondRecognition


BeyondRecognition is a technology development company that has specialization in visual document classification for enterprise-scale information. It provides solutions to problems that every company faces to access information on a global scale, as well as solutions for law enforcement and Homeland Security. Its most significant impact is in the area of document recognition. It has visual search solutions in the areas of banking, insurance, security, law enforcement and government agencies.

It is an art technology to support secure, flexible and scalable recognition solutions for enterprises. It eliminates the headache of manually classifying documents for the enterprise and promises to reduce the time for the marketing of new products, increase sales, and reduce operating costs. It can be used to perform automated analysis at the point of file creation or at the point of transfer. In short, it is the best mobile document scanning software available today.

#12 Exterro File Analysis Software


Exterro File Analysis Software is software that provides the critical foundation for any Information of Governance project. It enables you to create a governance structure based on the discovery, assessment, and disposition of your organization’s unstructured data assets. As a result, you will gain vital information about your organization’s data. It has an ability to take an objective view of who is responsible for which files, when they last accessed them, and where the risks of mismanagement are highest.

Exterro File Analysis Software helps you to save time and money by simplifying how you manage compliance with government regulations and security standards while enabling your organization to make smarter operational decisions. It provides both an on-premise and cloud solution that can be licensed on a per-user-per-month basis, and there are no long-term contracts or maintenance fees. It helps organizations govern data risk and get actionable insights so they can move faster, reduce risk and protect their data.

#13 Enterprise Recon


Enterprise Recon is an all-in-one data discovery, PII scanning and risk assessment tool that can use with your company’s cloud apps. It uncovers PII in all of the apps that you use to mitigate risk before it impacts your business. It leverages the power of machine learning to automate and reduce the scope of manual PII scanning. You can read more about how organizations can defend against these threats at the Enterprise Recon Security Guidance.

It is used by companies such as Deloitte, Bank of America, and Fidelity. Enterprise Recon allows you to quickly and easily find critical information about your business’s network, cloud assets, and connected systems. You can discover sensitive data across your entire IT landscape, including endpoints, without installing agents. It gives you fast visibility into your environment. You can also monitor your cloud resources from across the internet. It helps you to quickly detect and correct issues or unauthorized access attempts.

#14 Adlib Elevate platform


Adlib Elevate platform is a leading AI-based document transformation platform for enterprises and their customers. It combines artificial intelligence and image processing to transform documents from one form to another. It also offers real-time document correction and extraction. It is highly effective at generating PDFs while preserving the integrity of data. Documents can be converted into digital forms using a computer, tablet or mobile device. The valuable information can be easily stored, retrieved, shared, and analyzed.

Adlib Elevate platform consists of several distinct technologies that work together to process documents into digital assets. The first is content extraction, which uses optical character recognition to automatically convert the material into digital text. It has a combination of machine learning models and rules built by human linguists. If a document cannot be identified, its technology will prompt the user for a translation. It enables companies to easily create, manage and deploy personalized documents.

#15 Galileo


Galileo is an online booking engine that consolidates travel services across various portals. It allows hotels and service providers to offer their products and services on all leading travel booking sites, including Airbnb, Expedia, MakeMyTrip and many more. It simplifies the process of collecting, managing and reporting on customer reservations. Features such as “Automatic Reservation Guarantee”, “Groups Reservations”, “Acceptance Management”, and “Corporate Sales Management” are also available.

Galileo is a reservation software that consolidates various travel services in a single place. Users can search and book hotels, flights, movie tickets and many more through the platform without paying any booking fee or hidden charges. Travellers can also plan their trips by keeping track of flight prices, weather alerts and other nearby options. Some of its most popular features include notifications about departure delays, letting users change flights for free and locating lost bags at hotels.

#16 Varonis Data Security Platform


Varonis Data Security Platform is a cyber security platform that uses proprietary technology, predictive analytics, and machine learning to assess the risk of data loss within an enterprise and determine the best action to protect that data. It gives critical Info to the Hands of cyber security experts in real-time. It allows companies to manage their data risk through comprehensive visibility to assess the risk of data loss, prioritize remediation, and measure results. It offers companies to prevent data loss with its new compliance capabilities.

Varonis Data Security Platform helps companies prevent cyberattacks and safeguard their critical information assets. It is the first and only data classification, discovery, and protection platform that provides complete visibility and control of the user experience. It gives natural language access for better and faster search to improve cyber security across files, databases, cloud applications, social and collaboration systems. It allows organizations to see who’s been accessing or stealing their data and stops the threats, including unauthorized external or rogue access. Overall it’s the best security platform.

#17 IBM StoredIQ Suite


IBM StoredIQ Suite is software that provides in-place data management. It is an integrated, single-platform data management solution that includes capabilities for data protection, self-service, and analytics. It is a single, consolidated platform that allows organizations to meet today’s challenges by protecting, discovering, and leveraging their data assets. It also enables organizations to use the power of advanced analytics. It enables customers to manage their data and process it in real-time while maintaining its format, accuracy, and quality.

It offloads the need to build out dedicated infrastructure by using existing storage and database investments. It helps to expose and utilize existing storage and database investments through software. It will be effective in the data organization, which is believed to be very effective to be used in any enterprise. In short, it is expected that this kind of program will become the core of the company’s systems.