
Cookie AutoDelete

Cookie AutoDelete is a Chrome and Firefox extension that, once activated allows you to delete cookies and easily remove unneeded cookies from closed tabs. It is great for automatically eliminating site data from tabs that have been closed. It supports WhiteList and GreyList, and you can export/import these lists without hassle. The extension provides an option to empty site data for a domain. For the facilitation of the end-user, it provides a manual mode cleaning functionality that can be accessed from the popup. Lastly, it won’t clean data automatically unless you activate the “Auto-Clean” option.


Cookie AutoDelete Alternatives

#1 EditThisCookie


EditThisCookie is a feature-rich cookie manager that allows you to block, add, protect, delete, search and edit cookies. It is a simple and easy-to-use extension that you can install on your Google Chrome Browser and take advantage of the many functionalities that it offers. After installing, click on its icon in the browser, and the menu will appear, displaying all the options that you can execute. It supports cookies export in various file formats such as JSON and .txt. The best feature is that you can boost the performance by eliminating old cookies. Lastly, it is also possible to limit the maximum expiration date of the desired cookie.


#2 Cookie Quick Manager


Cookie Quick Manager is an all-in-one manager for cookies that are stored by Firefox during browsing sessions. There are various options that you can execute, like delete, view, backup, create, and restore cookies. A handy feature is the search feature that makes it easy to find items by domain names. The extension supports multiple contextual identities, including the SameSite flag and Private Browsing. It gives the option to delete the page’s LocalView.

The extension is geared towards testers, developers, and anyone else who takes their privacy seriously. It has a user-friendly and descriptive interface, and you can get information about every object by simply pointing the mouse over it. It supports two modes like tab and Windowed mode. Everyone can access the source code without restrictions and make contributions for its betterment.

The built-in search functionality enables you to search for cookies of subdomain and domain that rely on it. For each cookie, there are various properties that can be altered, such as expiration date, domain, httponly and secure flags, and more. You can easily export the list for further analysis or backup reasons in Netscape or JSON format. It allows the end-user to delete all cookies at startup and protects session cookies to avoid problematic situations. When viewing any website, you can delete cookies other than protected ones with a few clicks and use an option to restrict websites from deleting cookies. You can use it with full confidence and security and not worry as it doesn’t store or sell information.

#3 Vanilla Cookie Manager


Vanilla Cookie Manager is a best-in-class cookie whitelist manager that makes it easy for you to maintain and protect your privacy and delete unneeded cookies automatically. The cookies can be used for different purposes like authentication, saving the preferences of a site, and storing information in text format. The downside is that they are also used for tracking. You have the option to disable cookies completely or simply turn off third-party cookies.

The negative aspect of this choice is that useful cookies from web apps like Calendar or Google Mail will be also be shut down. The extension gives everyone the choice of adding cookies to the whitelist, and any cookies that aren’t on the list are removed automatically. If you are someone who commonly exits the browser, then it would be best for you to go along with the “recommended usage” on the options page, which will delete unwanted cookies as soon as Chrome is closed.


#4 Easy Cookie Editor


Easy Cookie Editor is an easy-to-use and multi-featured browser extension that servers as a cookie manager and allows you to control your cookies with great ease. It describes itself as a full-fledged manager for cookies that build up during browsing sessions. The end-user is able to delete, view, create, and edit cookies and can also perform a search using domain names. The developers have added support for contextual identities like the SameSite flag, Private Browsing, and First-Party Isolation. People who work as developers, testers can use it to protect their privacy. Besides these professionals, it is a perfect fit for any ordinary person looking to safeguard themselves.

#5 Cookiebro


Cookiebro is an advanced browser cookie managing extension that you can use to manage, filter, or block website cookies. These cookies are designed to track your data, including IP address, personalized info, and location that can be used to target ads based on your regions and preferences. Cookiebro blocks all those trackers with no effort. It can configure automatic deletion action after every minute. You can make a whitelist to allow certain websites and blacklists to block domains from running cookies.

One feature that highlights it from others is the ability to protect session cookies. This process separates the website from the blacklist to avoid session logout from currently opened sites. It can also drop HTTP response headers ETag and link them from blacklisted sites to prevent tracking. Other features are deletion of unwanted cookies, indexed DB, local storage caches, and plugin data like flash cookies at the browser startup. A tree-based cookie editor is also available to view, edit, delete, create, search and Export them as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

#6 CookieManager


CookieManager is a browser extension that manages your domain cookies. It creates a button that has an edit and views cookie button related to the current website. CookieManager can recognize cookies that are in subframes located on the current page. You can change the cookie properties from the popup or delete the selected cookie. Other features include import or export cookies from JSON files, view cookies in subframes, edit cookies from the editor, search cookies by domain, export cookies in Text format to make them compatible with Wget and Curl command-line tools. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge browsers.

#7 Awesome Cookie Manager


Awesome Cookie Manager is an extension for managing your cookies operation on chromium-based browsers. It displays a list of all cookies, allows searching them based on domain names, their value, view them, edit from cookie editor, save as TEXT, restore and delete cookies. It can even hunt cookies in incognito mode and is able to edit cookies with no names. You can also Export cookies from JavaScript Object Notation. A toolbar is made to access all the functionalities on-screen with a blacklist ad whitelist option available.

#8 I Don’t Care About Cookies


I Don’t Care About Cookies is a chrome extension that provides users a significant job of removing cookies from any site. Due to EU regulations and increased awareness of online policy, every site has to get permission before installing tracking cookies, which becomes irritating for users; this chrome extension automatically removes all the cookies and makes work easier.

I Don’t Care About Cookies allows users to check if any site still warns them about cookies. Furthermore, it enables users to report irritating sites easily. For a quick report, users need to right-click and choose “Report a cookie warning” from the menu. This extension is free-to-use and periodically notifies users about what has been done and what needs to.

#9 EverCookie


EverCookie is an API consist of JavaScript that creates persistent cookies in the browser, which are very difficult to delete. The solution’s main goal is to identify a client even if they have removed standard or flash cookies to avoid any tracking. It achieves its goal by storing the cookie data in different storages, which are easily available in the browser.

EverCookie uses standard HTTP cookies, HTTP Strict Transport Security, and local shared objects to create a new cookie. Moreover, it uses HTML 5 sessions, local, global, database storage to save their cookies. Even if the user erases the cookies, these files recreate and continue to perform their activities. Lastly, it re-spawns cookies using JavaScript without the user’s knowledge and consent.

#10 Cookiebot


Cookiebot is a platform that allows users to scan their websites to find and automatically control all cookies on it. Users can check through this platform that whether their website is compliant or not with the GDPR. They just need to write their website URL and click on the check button.

Users can see the results from which they can know what kind of data their website is collecting and where it is sharing. The platform offers transparency and control over all the cookies and similar tracking on their website and builds trust with the website.

Cookiebot provides true compliance with privacy legislation through respectful and transparent data exchange. Moreover, it comes with an automated scan to monitor and report all types of cookies, and users can automatically block all first and third-party cookies. Lastly, it allows users to know more about their conversion rate and analytics through Google.

#11 Cookies Manager+


Cookies Manager+ is an addon with various features designed for Mozilla Firefox and enables you to create, view, and edit cookies without hassle. You can check details about the cookies, modify multiple cookies simultaneously, and restore/backup them with great ease. It is based on an old tool and comes with enhanced functionalities. You can use it as a replacement for the already available cookie viewer.

It enables the end-user to alter the name, domain, and path of the desired cookie and tweak with several of them at the same time. When the name, domain, or path of a cookie is modified, it saves or replaces the original one. It provides an option for keeping an eye on cookie changes, and you can see updated information in the window. It is possible to filter auto-apply whenever typing and customize the properties you want to look at, such as columns, re-order, and reveal/conceal information.

The best option is export which makes it easy to copy the data to the clipboard or a file. Apart from this, you can restore/backup only the desired cookies. The extension will only use the information of selected cookies from the backup file and will skip everything else. Other key features include a closing window with a single keystroke, changing expiration date manually, deleting cookies, remove cookies automatically, and more.

#12 Cookie Controller


Cookie Controller is a discontinued extension that allows you to manage cookie permissions of a site, enable/disable cookie permissions, browse cookies, and delete them. The mentioned features can be found in session and local storage. The addon is developed for Mozilla Firefox and lets you protect your privacy and browse the web while being in complete control. You can get started with it by clicking on the icon, after which a popup containing many options will be displayed. From here, you can click on the desired option, and the extension will execute it.

#13 MZCookiesView


MZCookiesView is a great tool to have for those who use Mozilla Firefox for browsing and enables them to check all the cookies saved by the web browser. It includes various options that can be tweaked by anyone, regardless of their experience level. Unlike other tools, it doesn’t have a set-up, and you can get started by placing the set-up on the drive and run it right away. This further allows you to transfer it to a USB drive and plug and use it on any computer with less effort.

The talking point is that the Windows Registry and Start menu aren’t stuffed with new entries. It has an intuitive UI, showing all the Firefox cookies when launched. You can get several details such as expiration date, host/domain, value, name, and more. The export option gives everyone the flexibility to extract all the data to an external file such as XML, HTM, TXT, and HTML with a single click. There is also a search feature that eases the task of finding items in huge lists in no time at all. It uses fewer system resources and is optimized to deliver the best experience.

#14 µMatrix


µMatrix is an extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers designed to enable you to allow requests made by your browser with a single click. It can be used to block Facebook, scripts, ads, iframes, and more and comes packed with several privacy-centric tools. The extension gives you complete power, making it easy to make several decisions, like allowing a certain type of data to be downloaded and what can or can’t be executed.

All matters related to privacy can be controlled by the end-user. It operates in block-all/allow exceptionally mode, and this implies that websites needing 3rd-party scripts are more likely to be broken. You can fix this with a few clicks, after which the websites will work like a charm. It is possible to blacklist/whitelist more than a single class of requests based on the type and destination of data.

The type of requests include cookies, frames, CSS-related resources, XHR, images, scripts, plugins, and more. The extension features a powerful filtering engine with precedence logic to determine the blocked/allowed status based on the cells that are whitelisted/blacklisted. The aim is to simplify the blocking or allowing of websites fully or partially and eliminate the hassle involved, resulting in ease for everyone who values their piracy. It also assists you in finding what activities the browser is involved in, which is crucial when something is happening without you being aware of it.