
Magic Actions for YouTube

Magic Actions for YouTube is an extension that is intended for users that are streaming YouTube videos. The extension leverage users with a distraction-free streaming experience, so a great focus on the content for them. It provides all sorts of features that make your viewing experience much easier and more enjoyable, like lightning-fast navigation, volume control via mouse scroll, one-click access to many useful YouTube features, including the hidden ones, and much more.

Magic Actions for YouTube is a lightweight but powerful, safe, and free web browser extension that will turn your computer into a Home Theater for YouTube. It enables you to watch YouTube in a way you have never experienced before. It comes with the focus mode, which helps you to watch only the most relevant part of the movie by cutting out the rest of the screen. It allows you to play YouTube videos in the background, download videos for watching them later, play videos in a full-screen mode with subtitles without ads, and lose any quality.


Magic Actions for YouTube Alternatives

#1 Iridium by ParticleCore


Iridium by ParticleCore is a chrome extension that is designed for streamlining your YouTube streaming with minimum distractions and provides multiple functionalities while playing YouTube. This extension is intended to provide you with a fully functional YouTube player, combined with an all-in-one menu to help you fully enjoy your time on YouTube.

One of its admiring features is AutoPlay toggling, allowing you to Toggle between auto-playing. If you have the video downloaded or want to watch it without the download, Iridium’s video player allows you to do it with elegance. It comes with easy YouTube Music Switching, Provides a quick, easy, and clean way to switch the music of the video you are watching. Iridium is a browser extension for YouTube that provides additional features to enhance the user experience with: Reverse any playlist, Control comment, Turn off 60fps, View and save the video thumbnail, Control comment section, switching on & and off comment section visibility, and more to add.


#2 Improve YouTube!


Improve YouTube, an extension for chrome that is based on the idea to improve the streaming experience for users with minimal distractions upfront. There is a channel tool, allowing you to check the video of your favorite channels and check the information, such as subscribers, views, video statistics, etc. This chrome extension is light in weight and just requires your permission to access your YouTube visuals, and more importantly, it runs with complete offline support.

It comes with the HD AdBlocker, Removes all ads, including YouTube ads, and makes videos as HD as possible. The alluring features of this extension are Analyse your activity, Dark mode, Blue-light filter, Auto-pause, Hide Annotations, reverse Youtube Playlist, Blue-light filter, New Menu suits, toggle YouTube Player Controls, Block by Video, and more to add.

#3 Unhook


Unhook is an awesome web-based application that allows users to have a distraction-free experience while playing YouTube videos. It allows you to remove distracting things like trending tab, recommended sidebar, user comments, homepage-related videos feed, turn off autoplay or annotations, end screen video suggestions, and more. There is a possibility to toggle the options through the popup to customize your own YouTube experience.

By removing recommended videos, home screen-related video feed, user comments, autoplay, and more, Unhook allows you to focus on the content that matters to you most. The rich features are: Turn off the Autoplay, Block Comments, Remove Watch Later Suggestions, Save Video Links, Toggle autoplay, Add bookmark keywords, and more to add.


#4 Ambivid


Ambivid is a multi-browser extension that is light in weight, providing users with a seamless streaming experience without involving too many distractions. The appearance of the player can be customized by changing the color theme from light to dark, setting the background image, and adding a custom logo. It allows you to play YouTube videos in the background while you work in other tabs, eliminating the need to keep the tab open and to switch back and forth between tabs. Not only chrome browser, it currently supports browsers including Edge, Brave, Firefox, and more to add.

#5 Light Switch


Light Switch for Youtube is a chrome extension that takes your user experience to the next level while streaming your favorite videos having no distractions at all. YT Light Switch leverage you wish to watch a YouTube video on a pitch-black background so that you can focus on the video content. You can turn on & off the lights with a simple click. All in all, this extension is intended for you not to have the distraction of lights going on and off. Thus you have the easiest way to watch YouTube videos without being distracted.

#6 Turn Off the Lights


Turn Off the Lights is a tool that comes as an extension to the browser, and users can also use it on their phones. The tool enables users to make their screen sides look dark to get the experience of cinema. Users can integrate their tool into their system, and with the single click on the grey lamp on the toolbar, it darkens the web page, and users can watch the video as they are in a cinema.

The tool works on all popular websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, Netflix, etc. Moreover, it comes with a night mode feature that allows users to convert their white CSS background into black to have a different experience. It also comes with a lighting feature that generates light effects around the video content to allows visitors to focus on it. Lastly, it enables users to adjust the volume through their mouse wheel.

#7 YouTube Center


YouTube Center is the best in class extension for both Mozilla Firefox and Opera that allow users to download videos from YouTube. It is the pack of many features in which some most common are repeating videos, downloading videos, changing the quality of the videos, and much more.

One of the best facts about this solution is that it integrates all those useful functions that make it best for downloading YouTube videos and taking the video downloading experience to a new level.

YouTube Center also contains core features such as download unlimited YouTube videos, removing ads from YouTube videos, resizing the YouTube player, and repeating the video. It also offers auto-selection of quality, preventing the buffering of videos, preventing of auto-playing of videos, rearranging the buttons, and much more.

#8 Enhancer for YouTube


Enhancer for YouTube is a chrome extension that is streamlining your experience while streaming YouTube. This great extension lets you boost your user experience by eliminating all sorts of distractions and provides a new system layout to users. It facilitates you with Playlist history, allowing you to explore the things that you have streamed.

There are playlists and subscriptions that can be managed without logging in, and no browser storage is needed. There are multiple features for you that include: AdBlocker, Remove age restrictions, Load videos faster, Disable comments, Load videos faster, automate repetitive tasks, configure shortcuts, Quickly close annoying videos, and more to add.

#9 Video AdBlock for Chrome


Video AdBlock for Chrome is a small and easy-to-use extension that allows you to block any content from your favorite streaming platform, including YouTube, Dailymotion, and others. It saves your time by avoiding annoying ads all the time when you are streaming music, and there are not even third-party ads at all. There is nothing special thing required to use this extension, and it is working seamlessly on your chrome browser.

#10 YouTube Enhancer Plus


YouTube Enhancer Plus is an advanced extension that is designed for multi browsers, allowing you to boost your user experience via blocking all sorts of disturbing ads. It gives you more control over your YouTube viewing experience. It automatically controls volume, plays videos in HD, and blocks ads.

With the Cinema Mode on, you can get the movie theater experience at home by removing all the distractions. All in all, this application is useful for all people that want to improve their watching experience on YouTube. You can also rewind any video as well as replay it to view it again.

The video player includes features specifically designed to help you watch and enjoy YouTube videos, not just quickly watch them. Furthermore, you can move the volume control from the bottom of the page to the top, change the look of YouTube by adding a dark theme, keep your eyes open at night with a blue light filter, disable the suggestions about new movies, and more. There is also a possibility to paste your own video link, and YouTube Enhancer Plus will start playing it.