

PromptPal is replacement software for command prompt windows that can be run as tabs within PromptPal’s user-friendly screen. The software is providing power to developers and administrators to use command-line tools and to do a lot with time-saving features. Multiple standard windows features come with a tabbed interface that is printing, save session text to file, mouse-driven selection, and drag-and-drop support. PromptPal has the backing of multiple shells both for 32-bit and 64-bit, and both the shells can be run in the same instance.

The software automatically stores the recently used command lines and preserves them from one session to the next. If you want to have a sperate list for particular types of work so share the lists between tabs. You can save the most used tab configuration as templates that permit you to reopen them faster and easier. PromptPal has a lot to offer, that is, the quick launch of default shell, enhanced editing, command completion assistance, and integration with windows explorer.


PromptPal Alternatives

#1 Ripgrep


Ripgrep is a line-oriented tool used for the searching of the current directory for a regex pattern. The software comes with an automated function to hide files, directories, and all the binary files. The software effectively runs on your windows, macOS, and Linux with the easy setup in the form of binary downloads. Riggrep is generally faster because it contains many use cases that other tools lack and provides features that are remarkable for writing.

The software has an optional switching option for a regex engine to use PCRE2, and it is making things possible to use backreferences in your pattern. Ripgrep is featuring support for arbitrary input processing filters that can be decrypted, automatic encoding detection, and PDF text extraction. The searching files can be compressed in a standard format like Azip, Lzma, and more. Moreover, the software supports multiple features that are found in GREP, such as search results context, searching various patterns, full Unicode support, and highlighting matches with color.


#2 Alacritty


Alacritty is a free to use terminal emulator for based on GPU that can be run on BSD, macOS, Linux, and windows. The software is entirely focused on performance and simplicity and using the GPU for rendering to permit optimizations at very best. The software proved to be the fastest emulator that firmly concentrate on stability and clarity but powerful to use.

The software does not require an additional setup by making the default preferences. There are multiple aspects of the terminals that allow configuration with ease. Alacritty comes with several features that are: scroll back with Vi mode, cursor motion, make selections to copy text to the clipboard, search option to find anything, selection expansion, and many more to add.

#3 Extraterm


Extraterm is a terminal emulator software that provides your toolbox to work with your terminal and command-line applications. The software is open-source and has an easy setup and supports windows, Power shell, Linux, and CMD. Extraterm fits your needs with multiple tabs and panes, split and tiled as the way you like to work with.

There is also a shell integration that can isolate and frame the command output, and you have easy uploads and downloads by using the shell integration. The most important thing about Extraterm is that the previous command output can be used as input for new commands output. There are multiple features on offer that are 24-bit color, text zoom, configurable key bindings, global shortcuts, Unicode support, and many more to add.


#4 Bspwm


Bspwm is a robust tiling window manager software that provides support for multiple monitors and can be configured and controlled via messages. The software represents the windows as the leaves of a full binary tree, and each desktop has a pointer to a binary tree.

It required additional software for being skeletal and must set key bindings. The software responds only to the X events, and dedicated sockets receive messages that can be sent if a client provided it. Bspwm can be accessible from most source repositories, and you also can download the release or build it from source code.

#5 Spectrwm


Spectrwm is a reputable and flexible tiling, and a reparenting window manager software program that permits the real estate screen can be used to do many things. You do not need to be an expert language programmer to do any configuration because of some default settings. Spectrwm is found to be more compact, small, and blazingly fast and provides easy navigation on all screens with either keyboard or mouse.

The software is featuring multiple screen layouts that are possible with few keystrokes, and you have a customizable status bar. Various features offered by Spectrwm are human-readable configuration files, quick launch menu, drag to float, resizable master area, and more to add. The software uses workspaces instead of tags for managing multiple windows and has a plain text configuration file and can be reloaded during runtime.

#6 Xfce4 terminal


Xfce4 terminal is an all in one standard terminal emulator for the X window system that provides a text screen to your desktop. The software allows you to share the screen with other graphical applications easily and can be quickly started from the command line, or you can open it from the application launcher. There are different invocations for users to use them at once on the same display that permit independent output and input for the process running it.

Xfce4 terminal is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator having advanced features including tabs, drop-down, full colors, transparent background, fonts, unlimited scrolling, and more to add. Xfce4 terminal is quick to install and fits handsomely, not in the Xfce desktop environment but also to the other workspaces as well.

#7 Fox Term


Fox Term is an all in one multi-session terminal emulator that is free to use and provides support for loading an XML containing session information. The software allows you to create and open a session that includes multiple connections. When you have many contacts, then a session can relieve you with saving time rather than to open links individually. Logging dialogue makes starting and stopping logging very easy, having one or more connections at the same time.

There is an XML example having comments detailing that supports XML elements and attributes. Fox Term is featuring a startup macro function that automatically permits login and connects with remote hosts that required credentials. The software is dispensing multiple elegant features that are customizable timestamp formatting, open multiple windows, simple macro support, broadcast command, numerous windows, and more to add. Furthermore, Fox Term is free for both personal and commercial use, and there is a lot to come with this product in the future, and the file transfer protocol is one of them.

#8 z/Scope Terminal Emulator


z/Scope Terminal Emulator is an elegant software program that is designed to get secure access to IBM mainframes, Unix servers, and AS/400. The software is purely web-based and featuring significant support for popular web development frameworks. z/Scope is adopting the more advanced functional approach via providing all the tools that are easing the terminal emulation transparent. The software is doing the right tricks to access, integrate, and modernize your terminal-based applications.

The hosted application can be accessed easily with a single interface, and having a cutting-edge technology means you have everything for your terminal emulator. z/Scope Terminal Emulator is a reliable and cost-efficient way to get benefits from terminal-based applications right from the Mac, PC, chrome books, and mobile devices. Using the modern tab interface means you have more productivity than ever with z/scope giving the most practical terminal emulation solution in the market.

#9 Tilda


Tilda is the most reliable and open-source terminal emulator for a Unix-like operating system that is highly configurable and GTK-based customizable. The software program is making developers delighted and those who are using Tilda in almost every task. Tilda is not acting as a standard window, but instead of it can be drag up and down from the top of the screen using the hotkey.

Tilda is highly configurable, and hotkeys can be configured for key-bindings, and many options to change the appearance and behavior. There is an appearance tab, where you can change the height, width, and position of the Tilda window and you have transparency enable, and a color tab to choose the background and background colors.

#10 Abduco + Dvtm


Abduco + Dvtm reliably brings sessions and virtual terminal management programs together to be a more effective functional approach. Abduco provides efficient session management that allows the program to be run independently from the controlling terminal. This program can be run in the background but can be detached or reattached.

Abduco, together with Dvtm, provides a transparent and straightforward alternative, and Dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management. Being a console window manager, Dvtm tries to make it easy to work with multiple console-based programs. But as a fact, Dvtm is not implemented on session management, so it used a separate tool known as abduco. Abduco contains no legacy code, and is utterly independent of the implementation and provides some additional features.

#11 Sakura


Sakura is a dynamic terminal emulator that comes with few dependencies and is based on GTK and VTE. You do not need to have a full GNOME desktop installed to have an elegant terminal emulator with Sakura. The software is providing several terminals on one window and adds a contextual menu with some basic options with the help of a notebook.

The software effectively manages multiple shell sessions by using tabs and is featuring versatility like much terminal software. You can use hotkeys to switch different color schemes, setting the font and specification can be made in a single file. Furthermore, Sakura is not limited to a specific desktop environment and has an easy configuration file and works well with all the tabs.

#12 QTerminal


QTerminal is a lightweight and open-source Qt-based multi-tab terminal designed for LXQT desktop workspaces. You can split terminals either vertical or horizontal and have multiple tabs, customizable shortcuts, and various color schemes. QTerminal guides you with the shortcuts and with the key to drop-down the terminal and to change the shortcut type.

The widget style lets you overwrite the system widgets style with something other system default. You can change the shape of the cursor and moves the bar to the Qterminal with the tab position. There are many terminal settings as well, where you can change appearances, terminals, behavior, shortcuts, dropdown, and choose shortcuts.

#13 The Silver Searcher (Ag)


The Silver Searcher (Ag) is an all in one open-source tool used for searching source code that can be run on the Windows operating system. The software is very stable with its more improved performance and can be better than any benchmark system. The Silver Searcher is useful to restrict the search to certain file types to reduce the list of matches.

The software also provides you with case sensitive search when searching for a pattern; this is all lowercase. There are some regular expressions in the search pattern as well, and the search pattern may include some regex searches, but often, most of the search characters are escaped. There is a Literal match as well as you want to search a pattern consists of special regex characters, but you only want to treat characters that are part of a regex then use the Q option for Literal match.

#14 Qtile


Qtile is a hackable window manager software that is small and extensible and allows you to write layouts, widgets, and built-in commands with ease. You can optimize your workflow with the configuration of your workspace and understands how it can be fit for work. Qtile is completely featured that legitimates you to use screen real-estate via automated arranging windows with minimum needs of the visual cruft.

The software is purely configured in Python that gives you an extra edge to use the full flexibility of the language to complete your needs. Qtile is continually evolving with its functions and is open-source software distributed under the MIT license. It is just easy to write everything from intuitive windows, and you can save your writes and download them any time as required.

#15 Tilix


Tilix is a best in class GKT3 tiling terminal emulator software that comes with the interface matching the Guidelines of Gnome Human interface. The software is blazingly fast to provide extreme functionality with the right plug-ins and modules, and the terminals support custom titles and custom hyperlinks. Terminals can be re-arranged by using the drag and drop either between the windows or withing the windows.

Tilix provides support to add a transparent background image, and you can layout the terminal in any manner by splitting them horizontally or vertically. You can set preferences and profiles according to your need, and you have multiple clipboard options for copy and paste code. Furthermore, Tilix is featuring support for notifications, when processes are completed, and grouping of terminals can be saved and can be loaded later from the disk.

#16 Hyper


Hyper is an all in one electron-based terminal that is fully extensible allows you to download themes and plug-ins from the command line interface. The software is built on HTML, CSS, and JS and is available in various versions to download. Hyper eliminates the custom API method for every customizable point that permits you to intercept and compose with the maximum functionality.

The software is based on open web standards matching the right speed, stability, and development of the correct API. The software provides easy configuration for macOS, Windows, and Linux, and recent versions are swift and provide you with the most potent and well-test interfaces for productivity. Hyper repository provides you with additional information about the plug-ins, and there are multiple methods, and your module has to expose at least one out of it.