
TDEE Calculator: Calorie Count

TDEE Calculator: Calorie Count is a platform, which you can use to calculate your energy expenditure and your BMI. You can input various factors that affect your TDEE, such as height, weight, gender, age, and activity level. There’s also an option where you can find out your optimal macronutrient ratios based on your metabolic type. There are no limitations to this platform. However, you must input information accurately for more accurate results.

The application comes with an easy and blazingly way to display accurate numbers and results. With this utility, you have the ability to analyze your food intake, and it comes with the perfect strategy to maintain your daily goals and fitness level. There are multiple features for you that include the TDDE calculator, BMR calculator, track nutrients, sleek design, detail analytics, performance tracking, water intake calculation, and more to add.


TDEE Calculator: Calorie Count Alternatives

#1 Symmetric Strength TDEE Calculator


Symmetric Strength TDEE Calculator is an agile lifter analysis tool based on advanced strength research. This utility is quite capable of pulling out data from strength competitions that will be very crucial for your TDEE calculations. This online program provides you with adequate information about the total energy consumption. This means you will be able to you when and how you are burning your calories per day.

The most interesting thing about this online tool is that it is not like others where you have to face a manual calculation process. Just all an easy way, and you are done with the calculation. You have to type the units, gender, activity level, height, and other related information; then, the system will provide you with a calculated TDEE.


#2 TDEE Calculator net


TDEE Calculator net is an easy-to-use online tool that comes with a robust way to calculate the total energy consumption during the day. It comes with an intuitive user interface, allowing the user not to take any hassle of running the program. Moreover, the software comes with an automated way to calculate the number of calories you burn during the day. In this way, you can take care of all the activities that you perform and have a better understanding of how you can consume your calories during the whole day that is full of activities.

There is no need to take any headache from the complex process because there is a simple way to generate your results. You have to provide information like your age, the activity you are going to perform or perform, body fat, and others, then hit the calculate button and let the automated system approach do the rest for you. This tool seems to be the best among others because it uses the best formulas and displays your result in a meaningful way and which is easier to read.

#3 IIFYM TDEE Calculator


IIFYM TDEE Calculator is an extravagant utility that has been designed for people that are involved in too many activities and don’t know what their energy consumption is. The tool comes with a user-friendly way to calculate the total energy consumption, and there is no advanced calculation that is required in that. In this way, you can take care of all the activities and avoid any bad eating habits and get a better understanding of how you can consume your calories during the day.

There is no complication whatsoever; all you need to age, the activity you are going to perform or perform, body fat, and others, then set your goals. The system will generate the best possible results based on formulas, so know your TDDE and maintain a balance between your daily activities. There is something extra in this platform that you can select while calculating your TDEE, like nutritional preference, medical diagnosis, add goals, and much more.


#4 Lifesum – Calorie Counter


Lifesum is a calorie intake tracker application that makes tracking your eating habits simple and effective. This application has been providing its users with easy and powerful tools to get in control of their health. Lifesum is a completely free-to-use and simple yet powerful calorie tracking application that lets you check calories in the foods that you eat. The application facilitates you with a centralized place where you can take care of your diets, prepare a list in a food diary, and track all the nutrition.

The app comes with a valuable database of thousands of food items, whether it is rice, bread, vegetables, etc. Here you can get all the information that you need to maintain your diet and health. Lifesum also provides health tips for people who require extra help on their health improvement. Tracking your calories with Lifesum will help you to stay within your calorie requirement, reduce your weight and help you take control of your health. You can compare results over time and get an overall idea of what is working for you. You can also share your results with your friends.

#5 FitMath – Fitness Calculator


FitMath is an application that provides you with accurate information about your health and helps in calculating calories. This application allows you to input personal data, calculate the number of calories in your food, food items, or beverage items, then get fitness suggestions to help meet your goals. The things on which the application is providing information include Maximum Heart Rate, Creatine Intake, Macronutrients split, Ideal weight, Lean Body Mass, and more to add.

This calculator is designed to help you plan your diet for success based on your personal goals, and it will help you out in tracking progress toward your goals with its custom nutrition plan. Users can input simple information about their daily food, exercise, lifestyle habits and receive informative and helpful suggestions to help them achieve their goals. It will also track progress on its own for users who need motivation or advice on how to eat better.

#6 TDEE Calculator & Tracker


TDEE Calculator & Tracker is an intuitive application that helps you helps you calculate your caloric requirement, track your daily food intake, and figure out what kinds of workouts should be helpful in burning calories. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to know how many calories they should consume each day or who wants to make personal goals for weight loss.

TDEE Calculator & Tracker’s layout is straightforward and easy to understand, with the main functions all presented on the main screen, so it’s instantly accessible. The application allows people to use this app as a calorie tracking tool while making sure that they understand how their body reacts to different calorie intakes. There are multiple features on offer that include average TDDE calculating, detailed charting, RMR, data import and export support, access to history, track performance, manual calculation information, multiple unit measurements, and more to add.

#7 AccuBMR – BMR, TDEE, Calorie & Macro Calculator


AccuBMR is an all-in-one application that helps you to find and track TDEE, BMR, calories, and macro. It calculates the daily caloric needs for an individual, given their resting metabolic rate. This app comes with multiple categories which are used to calculate the appropriate calorie intake based on age group. These categories include weight loss, gain, maintenance, sports nutrition guidelines, and more.

It does not matter whether you are a beginner or advanced athlete; there is everything that you need to maintain your fitness. This app focuses on how to calculate a diet plan based on the individual’s personal information such as height, weight, age, and activity level. There are multiple features for you that include a BMR calculator, TDDE calculator, improved accuracy, user-friendly interface, different diet types, imperial and metric units, and more to add.

#8 Health Check – BMI, TDEE, BMR


Health Check is an intelligent application that comes with an advanced way to calculate Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate, Total Daily Energy Expenditure in a super-easy way. This application helps you track your activity levels and diet and provides you with the right information. It is making sure that you have accurate results always, so you can achieve your goals.

The app allows users to organize and keep track of their exercise and diet easily. Health Check features a calendar that allows users to set reminders for upcoming events, so you can plan your day according to your diet and health. This application takes care of your health via sufficient calculating of your calorie, and there are various easements that you can make about your health. Overall, it’s a great application where you can achieve your fitness goals with a piece of accurate information about your health.

#9 TDEE Tracker for iPhone


TDEE Tracker is an intelligent application that lets you achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy balance between your diet and activities via calculating your TDEE. This app helps you to find and track your TDEE, comparing it to the average TDEE numbers from the Mayo Clinic. This application is great for people who are tracking calories, trying to lose weight, or just want more knowledge on their daily exercises.

It’s not just calorie counting that makes this app great, and it also has some other features that are quite useful. The app includes health tracking features such as measuring your resting heart rate and your cholesterol levels. It also boasts an exercise tracker, allowing you to enter daily exercise info and track your progress throughout the day. There are multiple features on offer that include easy and quick setup, dark mode support, detailed insights, weekly trends, reminders, schedule activities, multiple measurement unit support, and more to add.

#10 Adaptive TDEE Calculator


Adaptive TDEE Calculator is an effective application that provides a simple way for people who want to calculate their total energy expenditure. With this application, you will be able to find quick results always and get stats into a fully customizable TDEE calculator. The application comes with the sync option, permit for food tracker, which is valuable for exporting weight and calorie information to Google Fit.

There is no complication you will face while using this application. You need to fill in your age, gender, height, and weight, and it will come up with a baseline number that you should be eating based on your lifestyle. You can input any exercise plan that you are doing and see how it affects both your calories intake and when you should eat. Get leverage of linear aggression through which you are able to determine the rate of weight loss and gain.

#11 Atlas TDEE Calculator


Atlas TDEE Calculator offers an interactive calculator to estimate your total energy expenditure. With this extravagant tool, you can find out how many calories you burn through exercise, daily activities, and metabolism. With the Atlas TDEE calculator, you can calculate your calorie needs to maintain weight or lose weight. You can monitor your food intake against your output or simply discover how much exercise is needed to burn calories.

The greatest benefit of the Atlas TDEE Calculator is that it accurately estimates your daily caloric need based on age, weight, height, and other factors. It uses standard formulas to determine these factors, which are commonly used in medical offices to estimate your body’s calorie needs. The Atlas TDEE calculator will tell you your daily calorie needs for weight loss, maintenance, or exercise; the calculator will also estimate how long it will take you to reach your goal weight. Once you know how many calories you burn per day, it’s simple to calculate your TDEE if your goal is weight loss.

#12 Fitstinct TDEE Calculator


Fitstinct TDEE Calculator provides a personalized calculation of your approximate caloric needs. It is a simple way to determine how many calories you are burning each day and adjust accordingly. This online utility lets you calculate your BMI, BMR, LBM, macros, and calories. By knowing the calories that you are burning during the day, you will be able to meet your weight goal.

Fitstinct TDEE Calculator will provide a personalized calorie estimation based on your weight, height, age, gender, and current activity level. The Fitstinct TDEE Calculator is very easy to use and requires no login or registration; therefore, everyone can use it. You have to provide accurate information to avoid any uncertainty in the calculation of your total energy expenditures.

#13 TDEE


TDEE is an all-in-one online platform that comes with the ability to calculate your total energy expenditure. This online utility will provide you with a complete understanding of the thing that you should do and not in order to find the perfect balance between your diet and the activities that you will perform during the day. The tool comes with a user-friendly and automated way to calculate your daily burn calories, and in addition that, it will provide you with detailed information about BMR, FBM, MACROS, and LBM.

There are various other statistics also available that will help you out in achieving the goals that you are looking for. There is no need to take any headache from the advance calculations; just fill the necessary details in the box like age, gender, activity, body fat, and others. Then the system will generate accurate results in a matter of no time. The more accurate you input your information, the system will be able to predict things more reliably.

#14 Moco Health


Moco Health is a free application that calculates your metabolic rate. It provides a simple and effective way to measure how many calories you should eat per day in order to maintain your current weight or lose weight regularly. The calculators in the app allow for any height and weight combination, allowing you to find your meaningful personal best number or any other goal.

This application helps you to keep track of your weight and realize when you have made progress in losing or gaining weight via easy access to your personal activity metabolism level. Every day, you will be able to know your TDEE, so you can plan your diet according to the number of activities you are performing. You can change the height, weight, activity, and others at any time—no need to delete and start over.