

Xonsh is a Python-powered Unix-gazing shell language and commands promptly. It features a rich set of shell syntax extensions imported from Z shell, as well as Vi Mappings, the ability to load plugins, and so on. It uses Python as its principal scripting language and leverages existing tools & libraries to provide a comprehensive environment for interactive computing.

Xonsh is a next-generation shell language that provides the tools needed for complex operations on today’s systems. It is designed to improve backward compatibility. It is an interactive command interpreter and command programming language that has a simple syntax and built-in help system. It has job control and cumulative job control. With features like universal and parametric polymorphism, type inference, and lazy evaluation, it gives every programmer the power to write simple and concise code that runs in nearly any environment.


Xonsh Alternatives

#1 Tcl


Tcl, also known as Tk, is an interpreted language. It is a program that one writes to perform a specific task gets translated into machine-readable code before being run. This makes it easier to program and less prone to errors than when coding in pure machine code. It provides an interface to the Tcl interpreter that accepts commands from both standard input and text files. It can be used both interactively (within a shell script) and non-interactively (as a filter).

Tcl is a command processor for interactive use and for writing shell scripts. To get information about the Tcl library, please consult the manual Tcl and the Tk extension language. You can run tcl sh and expect on the command line. This will start the Tcl interpreter in a special mode that lets you type commands interactively. It allows you to do common tasks like creating new files, editing, listing, etc.


#2 Korn Shell


Korn Shell is a UNIX shell, which is an interface to the UNIX operating system. It is an interactive command interpreter and command programming language that has a simple syntax and built-in help system. It has a simple and cumulative job control. It supports filename wildcarding, piping, documents, command substitution, variables, sub-scripting, and arrays. A restricted version of C is available for shell programs. It implements a number of commands which make reference to files under the user’s home directory, and you can search them by using a variation of the UNIX find utility.

Its improved features include a number of improvements such as command-line editing, file name globing (wildcard matching), and options for formatting output. It features a scripting language, which is used for writing scripts, as well as interactive command execution and file name pattern matching facilities. It can be used directly to control the execution of applications running under a Unix operating system environment.

#3 Haskell


Haskell is a purely functional programming language. It includes built-in types Bool, Integer, user-defined algebraic datatypes, and recursive types. It has a rich set of data types to represent values, including lists, tuples, arrays, strings, sets, and records. It offers pattern matching on data structures to decompose values into more basic parts. It has a powerful and lightweight system with parametric polymorphism and data type classes. It gives a monadic I/O system, which allows clean and concise programming of interactive programs.

It has standard libraries that include support for concurrency and parallelism parsing. It is an integrated debugger with an interactive read-evaluate-print loop (REPL). It is a strongly typed language, and its source code program is organized into modules that can be compiled. It has the ability to evaluate functions on the fly and run the code in parallel. The code written in it is less complex than code in Java or C++. In short, it is the most popular functional programming language used for writing basic applications and operating systems.


#4 ClojureScript


ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It makes it possible to exploit the advanced features of JavaScript engines directly from Clojure while retaining the simplicity and flexibility of a dynamically typed functional programming language. It enables access to a vast runtime and development ecosystem. It is a dialect of Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It has a familiar Lisp syntax but also integrates well with JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

ClojureScript can also be used as a static analysis engine to improve JavaScript code quality and to optimize existing JavaScript libraries. It makes it easy for JavaScript developers and scripters to consume ClojureScript code. It embraces its own model of Lispyness, which includes immutable persistent data structures, dynamic typing, polymorphism via protocols, extensible records, and multimethod. It also introduces a number of advanced features that will be useful for anyone wanting to extend the compiler or the standard library.

#5 GNU Bourne Again SHell


GNU Bourne Again SHell also called Bash, is a Unix shell that is included with most Linux distributions. The tool is ported to most operating systems by default. A notable feature of Bash is its macro capability, which allows users to create false sessions of commands executed in sequence with one keystroke per line.

It also includes a command-line editor and fully supports the scripting arbitrary shell programming language. Bash is the default shell in Debian, Mandrake Linux, Red Hat Linux, and some variants of BSD. All in all, GNU Bourne Again SHell is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#6 PowerShell Plus


PowerShell Plus is an interactive development environment for PowerShell. It supports coding in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core. The environment is used to write scripts and includes the Pester testing framework to help test these scripts. Another key feature is that it includes an IDE that helps you develop UI scripts in the shell. The language is structured as a pipeline; it allows you to manipulate objects. You get rich data structures that can be manipulated to produce detailed reports and other output.

The language comes with a basic set of operators that enable string manipulation, array creation, and other common tasks. However, most operations are performed by external Cmdlets, which are PowerShell modules containing functions with specific purposes. These modules can be installed locally on your machine that provides more functionality than the basic default settings. You can also create your own modules to share with other users. This is designed to be a quick way to share code across users; you should take care before sharing modules containing sensitive information.

PowerShell Plus comes with a range of modules, which are loaded into the environment automatically; these allow you to use PowerShell Plus immediately without needing to download any extra modules. However, there are much more available on the PowerShell community site for advanced functionality, security, and development tasks. All in all, PowerShell Plus is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#7 CentminMod


CentminMod is a web stack for CentOS that comes with a shell menu-based installer. It will build on your existing web stack to include code modification, gzipping logic, file concatenation, template engine support, and more. This allows you to run your website much faster, with much less code download. Moreover, this can be used in conjunction with TMP.NET, which is the CentminMod installer. The Nginx allows you to integrate 3rd party modules with flexibility.

The MariaDB performance fork is used by default and installed via its own RPMs. Another notable feature is the Nginx Page Speed which greatly reduces your website loading times and automatically applies Google’s recommended settings to pages and assets like images, JavaScript, etc. All in all, CentminMod is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#8 fish Shell


fish Shell is an interactive command-line shell written in C, with nice features like syntax highlighting and history. The program comes with many benefits for those who work with command-line tools. With the autosuggestion features, you get suggested commands as you start typing something, just like a web browser search engine suggestion. The tool supports a 24-bit color screen which is more than enough for a command-line UI.

fish Shell is totally scriptable, which means the syntax is simple, clean, and consistent without any bloatware. Another notable feature is setting the color codes for different syntax, which helps in looking through for something without looking through the whole code. All in all, fish Shell is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#9 PowerShell Studio


PowerShell Studio is a cross-platform editor and tool-making environment for Powershell. You can use it to create custom tools for Windows, Linux, and macOS. There is a GUI interface for creating new tools and modules, as well as a scriptable CLI interface. You can also use it to create command-line utilities for batch processing, which makes it great for quick scripting tasks. Powershell Studio’s support for both Windows and Linux allows it to run on computers of virtually any platform. If you need to do anything with PowerShell beyond editing code, this is the tool for you.

Create advanced functions easily, including parameter attributes and comment-based help. The Function Builder inserts the correct syntax for you. An enhanced GUI designer makes the whole designing process fast, eliminating the need to manually write hundreds of lines. Another great feature is that you can visually track your script’s performance by displaying real-time memory and CPU usage. All in all, PowerShell Studio is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.



VPSSIM, also known as VPS SIMPLE, is an automatic optimization and installation script for CentOS. The program is designed to simulate the functionality of a VPS or Virtual Private Server. The program can be used to determine which server configuration is best suited for your particular website or web application. Maintain the virtual server with high load-bearing and performance capacity scripts. You get easy-to-understand the interface and menus saves a lot of your time and effort while using its functions.

New users can also master the VPSSIM with proficiency. VPSSIM supports setting up the Nginx with Google PageSpeed module to speed up the website and has the function to on or off the configuration for the website automatically. The database management feature lets you handle MySQL server, create, delete, auto restore, and auto-backup your data. Moreover, you can also set up, remove, enable, disable, and change domain file manager at any time. All in all, VPSSIM is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#11 Elvish


Elvish stands for Expressive Programming Language + Versatile Interactive Shell, which is an interactive programming language and shell that is easy to learn. It is built on top of the language Python and shares a lot of its syntax. It has a lot of complex pipelines that carry not only text but also structured data. You can also stream maps, lists, and functions via pipelines. Other features include familiar control structures like other languages, a directory with browser-like search engine, rapid and convenient command history, and built-in file managers with shell powers. All in all, Elvish is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#12 Powershell ISE


Powershell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) is a GUI-based editor for Windows Powershell that makes it easier to build, test, and debug your scripts because you can edit them quickly and interactively. The tool provides tab completion, multiline editing, contact-sensitive help, and syntax coloring for better browsing. It is a part of WMF which means admins can manage multiple versions of Windows and server OS.

Another great feature of this tool is opening multiple script windows at the same time. It is specifically useful when we are debugging a script that uses the function defined in other modules or scripts. You will get three panes, i.e., Script Pane to create and run scripts, Output Pane to display commands, and Command Pane for executing commands. All in all, Powershell ISE is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#13 PASH


PASH is a shell-based editor for UNIX. It is an open-source reimplementation for Windows’ proprietary PowerShell. It has a large number of powerful editing functions that allow it to be used by professional programmers. All in all, PASH is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#14 Zsh


Zsh is a UNIX shell that is a part of Project Zshell. It provides command-line input and output facilities, which can be used to automate tasks in a similar fashion to the automation software found in graphical user interface operating systems. It has features like advanced CLI, powerful filename matching, completion support for UNIX utilities, adaptable line editing, programmable completion, and much more. All in all, VPSSIM is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#15 Bash (shell)


Bash (shell) is a Unix shell and command language written for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. It is a program that provides a traditional user interface for the Linux operating system. It is an enhanced version of the “bourne shell,” which is a shell program distributed with most versions of Linux and other UNIX-based operating systems. At the same time, while it expands upon the functionality of the Bourne shell, it also conforms to the POSIX specification for the bourne shell.

Bash (shell) is a sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell and C shell. It provides a number of user-friendly enhancements to the Bourne shell, as well as additional features. Some of the features of Bash includes are control structures, command history, filename completion, and command-line editing. It is available for virtually all variants of UNIX, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.

#16 PowerGui


PowerGui is a graphical user interface and script editor for PowerShell. The tool makes it easier to edit and debug PowerShell scripts by providing syntax highlighting, intelligence, keyboard shortcuts, and customizable GUI elements such as buttons and menus. It is open-source, written in C++, tightly integrated with PowerShell, and freely reusable.

The tool provides additional features to Windows PowerShell, including adding advanced scripting capabilities to the cmdlets available in the Windows PowerShell console. PowerShell scripts can be saved and used outside of Windows PowerShell, and PowerGUI makes this possible by providing a tool to execute the scripts. All in all, PowerGui is a great tool that you can consider among its alternatives.

#17 The Bourne Shell


The Bourne Shell is a command-line interpreter and command programing language for computer programing systems. It allows you to write batch files and applications that are more powerful and sophisticated. It is easy to learn if you already know BASIC or Pascal. It includes many of the commands you already know. If you don’t already know a scripting language, it will be easy for you to learn because it’s both powerful and easy to use.

It has its own model of Lispyness, which includes irreversible persistent data structures, dynamic typing, polymorphism via protocols, extensible records, and multimethod. It has a variety of features that will be useful for anyone who wants to extend the compiler or the standard library. Enables pattern matching on data structures to decompose values into more basic parts. It has a powerful and lightweight system with parametric polymorphism and data type classes. Its core features include control structures, command history, filename completion, and command-line editing.

#18 Rc (shell)


Rc (shell) is a command-line interpreter for Version 10 Unix and Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating systems. It searches the database in an interleaved manner. The database is searched only once per argument. It may be much faster than GNU grep if the input is regular text and has no wildcard characters. It is the default user interface for Unix and Plan 9 systems, replacing the original shell and the C shell, both of which are still available.

Its capabilities include full job control, csh -style command history, directory stacks, aliases, local variables, emacs -like wildcards, I/O redirection, pipes, large file support, and functional editing. Full-screen mode allows multiple windows on a single screen; iconification hides windows and allows running programs to be brought back to the top level with a single keystroke. It is designed to provide maximum compatibility with the original Unix shell but is also designed to be more orthogonal and consistent.

#19 C Shell


C shell is a computer program that provides a traditional Unix-style command-line user interface. It was the default shell for Fourth Edition UNIX systems and is part of the POSIX standard. It also provides functionality for programming and for customization, which makes it attractive to the beginner or casual user. It is also an operating system shell created during the development of UNIX. It was a built-in shell for the C programming language and was developed as a competitor to the Bourne shell (sh) and to provide functions for programmers.

It is the most advanced and one of the easiest to use scripting languages for Windows, DOS, and OS/2. It lets you write batch files and applications that are more powerful and sophisticated. It provides all the features you need to develop real-world applications, including running multiple programs simultaneously, executing a program when a specific date or time arrives, performing arithmetic operations on numbers, sending keystrokes to an application, and many more.

#20 Tcsh (shell)


Tcsh (shell) is a Unix shell that is compatible with the C shell. It has a command-line editing facility similar to that of ksh88 and incorporates many features of the Bourne shell. It is an enhanced command interpreter for interactive, script, and session use. Its features include for each file name patterns, tilde substitution, completion, C shell’s command-line editing, history facilities, set of built-in commands, and programmable menu functions. It can be used to write compilers, program transformation systems, and many other software tools.

Tcsh (shell) is a purely functional programming language that supports a high level of abstraction. It is one of the most advanced programming languages, providing a massive library of pre-scanned functions and other amazing features. It is based on the idea that functions are the basic building blocks of any program, and they help in building large and complex software. It is a programming language that focuses on expressiveness, briefness, and safety type.