

Yandex is the largest search engine on the internet in Russia. The homepage is the 4th most popular website in Russia, and its main competitors are Google, Rambler, and The platform has a wide range of data and information available over the internet.

When the user searches for any specific term, the platform automatically fetches it from the internet and presents it in front of the user. It is fast and straightforward than others, and offers lots of new services to enhance the user experience.

To make the service better, it offers lots of advanced tools and features such as catalogs for directory sites, Yandex. Images for search the photos available over the internet, Yandex. Mail, Yandex. Money, Yandex. Fotki and Yandex. Translate etc. Each function has its features and services. All of these services can be directly accessible from the website of


Yandex Alternatives

#1 YaCy


YaCy is a free-to-use distributed search engine that anyone can use to create a search portal for their internet or to help search the public internet. It is built on the principle of peer-to-peer networks. One of the best things about this search engine is that it is fully decentralized, all the users of the search engine network are equal, YaCy does not store user search requests, and it is not possible for anyone to censor the content of the shared index.

It is an entirely safe platform that secures each piece of information. It can be run either in a crawling more or as a local proxy server, indexing web pages visited by the person running YaCy on his personal computer. Access to the search functions is made by a locally running web server that delivers a search box to enter search terms and returns search results in a similar format to other popular search engines.

The platform is available to use on Linux, Windows, and Mac, etc. YaCy offers lots of prominent features such as a high degree of privacy; protocol uses HTTP requests — Open-Search and additional tools etc.


#2 Gigablast


Gigablast is a web search engine launched in 2000. The search engine source code is written in the programming languages C and C++. It was introduced as an open-sources software under the Apache License. Gigablast provides search results to other companies, including Blingo, Clusty, and Zuula, etc. It delivers internet searches in two different types. The first one is an independent system where the users insert their query and get the same result, and the second one is the directory of various topics from where the user can search in the home, recreation, kids and news, etc.

As compared to the other similar platforms, it is simple and more powerful than others and offers lots of new prominent features such as spell check API, searches feed, news, and add URLs. It supports multiple specialized searches and Boolean algebra operators as well as related concepts feature known as Giga Bits.

#3 Baidu


Baidu is a Chinese web-search engine, offers more than sixty search services to internet users. Just like the Yahoo platform, it also an independent search engine that has its built-in encyclopedia and keyword discussion form that makes the searches of Baidu reliable and relevant. The platform provides various kinds of multimedia content such as video, audio, movies, and lots of others. Baidu also provides results in multiple shapes such as images, video, news and website links, etc.

It offers multiple services to locate information, products, and services using Chinese-language search terms, including search by advanced search, snapshot, spell checker, news, images and space information, etc. It is a fast, simple, and powerful search engine as compared to the others you can access anytime, anywhere around the world.


#4 Qwant


Qwant is the first search engine that secures its user freedoms and ensures that the digital ecosystem remains healthy. It always delivers the best available results to your queries and never tries to guess who you are or what you are doing. The platform strongly believes that what you search on the web is an essential part of your privacy.

Qwant is one of the best alternatives to Google and offers lots of similar services with some features that make it more exciting and comprehensive. The platform allows the whole web to be visible without any discrimination and with no bias. Its powerful algorithms are applied equally everywhere and for every user, without trying to put websites forward or to hide others based on commercial or morel interests.

Just like the other similar platforms, it also provides all its results on a single web page. Websites, videos, images, music, and shopping, etc. all are easily accessible through a single search. Qwant includes core features such as support more than 26 popular languages, specialized tools, show all the popular searches and recent searches, etc.

#5 Boardreader


Boardreader is an online platform that locates and displays information from various web-sources such as online forums, message boards, news, blogs, images, and videos, etc. It was developed to address the shortcomings of current search engine technology to accurately locate and display all the information contained on the web’s forums and message boards.

The search engine was found in 2000. It used proprietary software that enables the users to search the message board simultaneously that allowing users to share data in a truly global sense. The platform is focused on creating the largest repository of searchable information for its users.

Its interface is smooth and fast than others; it shows all the essential and popular searches on its homepage to improve your searching experience. Boardreader includes lots of prominent features such as unique retrieval and indexing algorithm, use the advanced technology, fast browsing, show recent history, and much more.

#6 Startpage


Startpage is a search engine that highlights privacy as its distinguishing feature launched in 1998 by David Bodnick. It gives you the best of two worlds, such as Google search engine results and complete privacy protection. People share an enormous amount of personal information every time they go online. Startpage protects all the personal information to the advertisers. Don’t use your search tern to target you with all the personalized ads that follow you around.

One of the best things about this platform is that it allows you to get all the results based on what they know about you rather than giving you equal access to the internet. Startpage is user-friendly and straightforward, offers lots of exciting features such as Fully integrated web-browser, Full Image Search, Privacy, Maps, Post vs. getting, Setting URL, Proxy, Highlights, Facebook and Twitter, etc.

You can use the Startpage proxy to access any online platform you find through the Startpage search. After that, click the proxy link under the search result. The platform also offers lots of exciting things that make it better than others.

#7 MetaGer


MetaGer is a meta-search engine that focuses on protecting the user’s privacy launched in 1996 by SuMA e.V. All the search engines are linked to as many as 50 search engines, and the result is compiled, filtered, and sorted before being presented to the user.

Users can choose the search engines to query according to their individual choices, among other options. Privacy is quite natural that automatically applied to every search. The ultimate objective of this platform is to deliver complete and robust privacy protections, and it implemented by multiple features such as MetaGer to provide access to their services only through an encrypted connection.

Just like other similar search engines, it is also open-source that allows examining and checks. MetaGer also offers lots of prominent features that make it better than other similar search engines.

#8 Ecosia


Ecosia is a web search engine based in Berlin, Germany, the first release on 21 July 2009. Bing and Ecosia’s search algorithms power its search results. The platform shows ads to its search results and is paid by its partners at Bing for every click on the sponsored link for having directed users to their advertisers. Payment from the ads depends on the completion of the keyword and the value of what is being advertised. The best and addictive thing about this platform is that it plants trees with its ad revenue.

Ecosia is fast, reliable, and comprehensive than others and offers maximum results to deliver more and the latest stuff. It is an alternative platform to Google but offers more prominent features that make it better than others, such as support multiple languages, built-in browser tools, free proxy, and much more.


2 (also known as Ask Jeeves) was a question answering platform which mainly focused on e-business and web-search engine launched by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in 1996. The platform is not as good a search engine as compared to Google and other web-based search engines. It is most popular in the United States and not accessible worldwide. has more than 100 million users over the world, and you can access it anytime, anywhere around the world. It works only the answer-based search engine where you need to put the question and then find out all the related content. The best thing about this platform is that it offers lots of free services and toolbars that enhance your browsing experience.

The search system of this platform is also limited to the searches in web pages, images, and videos only. To make the service fast and better, it displays all the popular searches on the main page as well. is a minimal platform but offers some advanced feature that makes it interesting.

#10 Dogpile


Dogpile is another meta-search engine for information on the WWW (World Wide Web) that fetches results from all the popular search engines such as Yahoo, Google Yandex. It began operation in November, and Aaron Flin developed the website. The best and addictive thing about this platform is that it has implemented a search engine that allows the users an alternative way to search for web content on Firefox or Internet Explorer use Dogpile technology.

All the search engine has its search method, Dogpile looks at all of them and decides which are most relevant to your search engine. It eliminates duplicates and reveals them to you. In the end, you get a list of results more complete than anywhere else on the web. Category links, Yellow pages, White pages, Search Filter, Favorite Fetches, About Results, IntellFind, Recent Search, and Spelling Correction are core features of the Dogpile.

#11 Bing


Bing is a web search engine operated by Microsoft. The service has its origins in Microsoft’s previous search engines. It provides a variety of search services such as Web, video, images, and all the search products. Bing developed using ASP. NET. It is an alternative to Google and offers lots of similar services with some new features that make it better than others. As compared to Google, the interface of these platforms is better and interesting. It offers multiple backgrounds which daily change, video homepage for HTML5 enabled browser on occasional events, on specific sites, sub-links, and much more.

Just like other similar platforms, it also offers suggestions when you want to write something in the Bing browser input area. Video thumbnail preview, advanced computations, package, provide related sites, product shopping and Bing cashback, multiple backgrounds, and customization option are also features of the search engine. Another fantastic fact about this platform is that it is available in various languages and has localized in various countries.

#12 Search Encrypt


Search Encrypt is a search engine that places heavy emphasis on the privacy of its user, thereby ensuring that they can browse anonymously. It protects the privacy of everyone by identifying searches that may be monitoring your personal information. It restricts those searches and sends them to its privacy-optimized search engine.

The platform doesn’t ask for any fees for providing its services and uses advertisements to cover the expenditures, therefore removing all the financial restrictions off from the user. Search Encrypt makes use of powerful SSL encryption with best forward secrecy to secure the user’s data and also takes extra measures by encrypting the search before sending it to its servers. It deletes all the encrypted results after half an hour of inactivity has elapsed.

#13 DeeperWeb


DeeperWeb is another free-to-use meta-search engine for information on the WWW (World Wide Web) that employs tag cloud techniques for navigating through the Google search result. You can use this through Google or Firefox extension. Just like other similar platforms, it also produces the result in multiple forms such as web-pages, images, videos, and audio, etc. It is specially made for those users who want to use a powerful search engine with fast browsing.

DeeperWeb includes lots of prominent features that make it better than others. Such as tags tab allows you to add a keyword from the original query, sites tabs clicking a site in the tag cloud, searches answers and questions websites, new search, and Wikipedia search, etc. It is also used as an alternative to Google and offers lots of similar services with some new features.

#14 Yippy


Yippy is another meta-search engine platform created by Vivisimo in 2009. The best thing about Yippy is that it is a family-oriented search platform that never shows adult or illegal stuff on the internet and it is specially made for those users who want a safe search environment and improve the searching skills of their children. It is a world of millions of documents and web pages that allows their users to search for anything and get maximum related content.

Yippy always bring out the best result from its vast database and web directories. Just like Google, it also supports the advanced query system, which assists the users in getting the best answer against their search.

The user interface of Yippy is straightforward and stunning that never shows all options. However, when the user searches any term, he redirected toward another page of the Yippy where he can search according to a web page, news, and Wikipedia data, etc. The yippy search engine also has hundreds of key features that make it more stunning.

#15 Gibiru


Gibiru is an anonymous web-based search engine launched in 2009 by Internet Privacy advocates. It is faster than the NSA Search Engine since it does not install all sorts of personalization and tracking cookies on your system. The platform provides Unpersonilzied and Uncensored Anonymous wen and news results and allows you to browse the internet safely way. It has a massive amount of tools and plugins for maximum privacy.

This privacy plugin enables you to use free more than 25 international proxy IP addresses, allows you to choose local IP addresses, signal session cookies, and user agent spoofing, etc. As compared to the other similar platforms, it is more secure and fast than others.

Gibiru offers limited results, but all the results are 100% accurate and useful. Now, these days, there is lots of anonymous search engine available to use. Still, Gibiru is the most comprehensive in providing proxy IP service with an unknown search engine request and cookie crumbling. Gibiru now only supports Firefox for HTTPS 128 bit encrypted web browsing.

#16 WolframAlpha


WolframAlpha (also known as Wolfram Alpha) is a computational knowledge engine or answer engine created by Wolfram Alpha LLC. It is an excellent online service that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from externally sourced curated data, rather than providing the list of documents or web pages that might content answer as a search engine might.

The platform was released on 18 May 200p, based on Wolfram’s earlier flagship product Wolfram Mathematics. Additional data gathered from both academic and commercial web-based platforms such as the CIA’s The World Factbook and the United States Geological Survey etc. It is a straightforward and easy-to-use platform used to submit the choirs via a text file, and

WolframAlpha computes the answers and relevant visualization from the knowledge base of curated, structured data that comes from the other websites and books. It uses a portfolio of automated and manual methods such as statistics, expert review, visualization, and source cross-checking. Just like the other similar platforms, it also has lots of prominent features that make it more interesting.

#17 Yahoo


Yahoo is a search engine that assists internet users in finding the relevant information rather than going for the bulk data. It enables the user to get the best and accurate information over the internet in the shape of web-pages, images, videos, and answer formats.

It is one of the best alternatives to Google and offers lots of similar services. When the user inserts any keyword in the search bar to find it over the internet world, it grabbed all the information regarding that query from its directory websites.

After the complete search, it delivers in-depth search results of Yahoo. It is an independent search engine that has its search engine technology. The great thing about this platform is that it is available to use in multiple languages such as Japanese, Chinese, English, and Spanish, etc.

It doesn’t have so many international users, but it is wildly used in Asia and Europe. Whenever the user moves to the official site, it provides multiple information options such as the right move for the latest news, sport, finance, celebrities, and weather, etc. Yahoo offers lots of prominent features that make it better than others.

#18 CC Search


CC Search (currently known as Openverse) is a great Creative Commons search tool that allows creative professionals to explore and reuse non-paid content/resources at their leisure. You can discover more than 500 million images to use in your projects. It is just like every other search engine, and you start by entering a keyword in the search bar and pressing enter to get the results.

The search results page has a Filter menu bar on the left side which displays various options that you can utilize to sort the results. You can even choose the sources from which to retrieve the resources. CC Search has a responsive layout, and due to this, the UI renders perfectly on all devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and tablets without even the slightest problems.

#19 giveWater


giveWater is a charitable search engine that you can download as an extension on your Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome Web Browser to contribute pure water by searching through the Internet. It is a great initiative developed to ensure everyone is able to drink clean water for a safe and healthy future. It adopts a simple model to achieve its goals.

You can use the search engine to find information, after which the results along with ads are displayed. The cash earned from these advertisements is spread among various charitable partners who utilize the funds to offer clean and drinkable water. All-in-All, giveWater is a worthy cause that everyone can use to enable the distribution of clean water to those who don’t have access to it.

#20 Ekoru


Ekoru is an online search engine that aims to clean the oceans of the earth by donating money earned from ads to its partners who use it on their missions. You can access the site from any web browser on any device and platform and can contribute towards its noble goal by simply searching for the desired information. For your comfort, it also provides a google chrome extension that can be downloaded.

Ekoru is multilingual and provides the option to choose between English, French, Deutsch, and Chinese as the display language. You can also switch the color theme from the settings and tweak any other option before clicking on the “Save Settings” button to apply the results. The search engine works perfectly fine on small screens, giving everyone the freedom to use it from their mobile phone or tablet without any qualms.

#21 Google Search


Google Search (also known as simply Google) is the number one search engine used by billions of people worldwide to get the latest information on news, entertainment, sports, weather, politics, and more. It is available by default in the Google Chrome Browser and its app can also be downloaded on any Android, iOS, or device with other mobile platforms.

The major advantage is that it delivers millions of results about a particular search query in mere seconds, making your experience a faster one. It uses advanced algorithms and web crawlers to ensure every page is covered and to offer exact results on the top of the search results page. Each search query displays results in multiple sections like Books, Videos, Images, and News, enabling you to easily switch to the desired tab and view all the information.

#22 AOL


AOL is an online service provider based in New York. It is more than just a search engine that allows you to get the latest headlines, fast-loading AOL Mail, watch all the trending videos, and enjoy all the social platforms right from your web browser. It has billions of users over the world who can use this because of faster and comprehensive than others. AOL also offers lots of new services and tools that improve your working experience or browsing experience.

Just like Yahoo and other similar platforms, it offers multiple background images with customization options that make it more interesting. Fast browsing, show maximum related and content, various tools, and plugins are also core features of the site. Another fantastic fact about this platform is that it shows all the famous and latest searches on its main page.

#23 Neeva


Neeva is an ad-free, customizable, and private search engine that allows you to search for anything from online shopping to old emails, making your needs its top priority. It is a great resource for anyone who wants to rid their search from ads that take space when results are displayed. Ads make results a bit slow to load and are also displayed as the first two or three options, which can be bothersome, to say the least.

With Neeva, you no longer have to face these issues as it is commuted to being 100% ad-free. It can be used on all browsers, devices and also has an exclusive iOS app that is accompanied by a browser. The compatible web browsers include Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. There is no need to worry about personal data as the search engine doesn’t collect it or disclose it to a third party.

The best feature is extensive customization that allows you to select the retailers you like the most and pick news sources to show results from. Stay updated on all the latest information related to stock picks to package status delivered directly to your personal homepage.

#24 Google


Google is the leading search engine that enables users to search for web pages, apps, images, videos, and all the other stuff by searching through relevant words. It is the dominant search engine in the US market. Google is known as a window to the world of the internet. It is that web-based search engine that always provides the users with specific and to-the-point information. The best thing about this platform is that whenever the users start to type the query, Google provides them with suggestions and saves the user’s time instead of requiring complete words.

It indexes millions of web pages so that the users can search for the information they desire through the use of keywords. And it is one of the best and number one search engines around the world as compared to the other operators. Google is a fast, relevant, and most extensive single catalog of web pages available today. The search giant also tracks an incredible amount of information that lots of people don’t even know they are giving out.